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Rui Hanakana !

Tag: 🌟
Nickname: Rui
Age: 17 years old
Birthdate: June 7th (Gemini)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 160 cm / 5'2 ft

Friendly and sociable. Likes to tease and annoy people she's close with. Has a bad habit of forgiving people too easily to the point where sometimes her brother have to step in and remind her. Is very emotional, can cry easily, and also can get easily distracted.
Naturally a curious person. She can be a bit nosy at times and it might rub some people the wrong way but she means no harm, she just wanted to make sure the person she's with is alright.

More info about me!
(would be updated more if I remember lol)

  • The younger twin.

  • Has a high tolerance for spicy things and has a little dislike towards sweets.

  • Since their parents goes out to work alot, she and her brother are great at cooking. They take turns on who would make breakfast and dinner everyday.

  • They both has the same turquoise colour hair highlights bcs Roi bought a buy 1 get 1 free hair dye, so he got 2. He gave the other one to Rui after that.

  • Most of the dresses in Rui's closet are Roi's since he bought them but he puts them in her closet so he doesn't get questioned by their parents.

  • She's afraid of heights, yet she likes climbing things.

  • Has Synesthesia.

  • Guitarist.

  • Had an emo phase before (ofc she does).

Now playing !

Melanie Martinez

Character Art

Characters and art belongs to Nichi_ere.